Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Trying this embed video thingy--greatest Stephen Colbert clip ever, and it's not from the Press Dinner...

This is the best of the dance sequences from the towering classic TV series Strangers with Candy. It's from the "I'm going to sit at the welcome-table" cult episode, Blank Stare part 2.

Thank you Tony for your obsessive fansite,

Mark your calendars New Yorkers! We get the Strangers feature film first on June 28th!

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Monetize that crap in your passé cd tower!

Web 1.0 brought about some great tools for getting rid of unwanted junk around the house. Ebay (my account here) and Craigslist are the obvious, with lesser known communities and sites like Recycle-a-bike, and Freecycle.

One of my favorites is SecondSpin. I just packed up an odd assortment of cds and DVDs to ship to them. It's a lot of fun. You log on, type in the bar code numbers and they tell you how much they'll give you for each item. Once you fill up your cart to a point where it's worth the trip to the Post Office to mail the stuff to them, you get a confirmation number, followed by a check in about two weeks.

Who knew the first TLC cd was worth 5 bucks, or Hannibal dvd 4 bucks? Ugh, how do these things find their way in my apartment? Purge purge purge future cat ladies!

C'mon, do you really need to see Bring it On again, or hear the first Kid Rock album? While you're at it, chuck that nasty-ass CD tower in your living room, along with that $20 halogen lamp that throws light at the ceiling. Every man in their 20s has unfortunately owned both of these.

apologies to the good people at iFurn for making fun of their CD tower.

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Tuesday, May 02, 2006

The paperless office and those stacks of business cards...

I just hooked up my new Neatreceipts Scanalizer. It's leftover from a TV segment and the PR person said our firm could keep it. I'm going to give it a whirl to knock down my stack of business cards. We'll see how if it's worthwhile. After a few scans, I notice you do have to put a certain amount of time in to editing the fields. Sometimes it can't read weird fonts or large logos and takes a bad guesses. More on my theories on contact management later...

Are people still striving for the paperless office? The first time I saw that term, it was in a profile of John Brockman, the hat & cape wearing literary agent to the Nerderati. Is that a word? I just coined it. One could argue his site, the Edge was the first blog.

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