The paperless office and those stacks of business cards...
I just hooked up my new Neatreceipts Scanalizer. It's leftover from a TV segment and the PR person said our firm could keep it. I'm going to give it a whirl to knock down my stack of business cards. We'll see how if it's worthwhile. After a few scans, I notice you do have to put a certain amount of time in to editing the fields. Sometimes it can't read weird fonts or large logos and takes a bad guesses. More on my theories on contact management later...
Are people still striving for the paperless office? The first time I saw that term, it was in a profile of John Brockman, the hat & cape wearing literary agent to the Nerderati. Is that a word? I just coined it. One could argue his site, the Edge was the first blog.
Tags: paperless office, scanners
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